Things atheists CANNOT explain away


Whether people believe in God or not, He exists. Science keeps proving that fact! If you are among those who insist there is no God and that everything in this universe evolved, then please explain the following:

And while you're at it, check this out: Have you ever seen the TRUTH about blood?

Here's another interesting fact that atheism cannot explain away:

Each day the tobacco hornworm caterpillar ingests six times the lethal dosage of nicotine for humans! The creature processes the remaining nicotine to release it through respiratory holes in its skin, to ward off wolf spiders Until now scientists were unsure of how the tobacco hornworm processed the addictive substance to use as a weapon against hungry spiders. They have discovered that some of the toxin enters the insect’s blood while the remainder is excreted through tiny respiratory holes on its skin and in turn works as an effective deterrent.

This is another living organism that totally defies the evolutionary process. How could this tiny caterpillar evolve to ingest a toxic amount of nicotine? If evolution were true, it wouldn't be here! God made everything in perfect order from the very beginning.

THERE IS SO MUCH MORE WE COULD REVEAL, and if you're still unsure about "God", we would ask that you open your heart long enough to recognize some facts: Most prophecies outlined in the Books of Daniel and Revelation have already come true, with only a few more to go! How could THAT happen if God and this 2,000 year-old document known as the "Bible" are myths?). According to Scripture, life on earth as we know it is about to come to an end. This is evidenced by the fact that Yeshua (Jesus) has so far fulfilled the first FOUR of the SEVEN Biblical Feasts - and the last three will be fulfilled almost simultaneously. Don't be among those who are "left behind!" Begin to recognize that there is simply too much evidence that cannot be relegated to mere "coincidence."

SO WE ASK YOU AGAIN: "If there is the 100 gazillion in 1 chance that this universe is a result of something akin to the "big bang" theory, then there must also be a respective equal chance that there exists a God who created it. As each chance is investigated, I believe we will see that the evidence is in more favor of a Master Engineer being responsible for Creation, rather than the chance dice rolling "lucky seven" a gazillion times in a row"...